New version FORTEZA-PERIMETER v. 2.00

Main page / News / New version FORTEZA-PERIMETER v. 2.00

In May 2018 our company presented the software FORTEZA-PERIMETER version 1.00 for monitoring and management of perimeter security sensors by TM Forteza with RS-485 interface as well as of other sensors with NC contacts connected via the adapter FORTEZA-ADAPTER.

Today we present the new version of the software FORTEZA-PERIMETER version 2.00.

In the new version we:
• optimized the performance and corrected the errors, revealed in previous versions;
• added a number of new functions:
  - the possibility to restore the previous program configuration after resetting;
  - displaying the number of alarms for every device in the monitoring window;
  - reset of alarms in every channel;
  - alarm sound notification on/off;
  - changing of information baud rate for every line;
  - indicating of the triggering subzone (for the sensors FM and MIR-M);
  - supporting of graphical files (bmp, png, jpg) as the object map and displaying of the sensors on it.

Supporting of graphical maps – is the long-awaited feature asked by our clients. We are glad to present you the software FORTEZA-PERIMETER v 2.00, where you van place the sensors on the object graphical map.

If you are interested to use the software FORTEZA-PERIMETER version 2.00 leave an application.

The software is free of charge.

Forteza Russia Team.




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