About Us

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OKHRANNAYA TECHNIKA is a Russian manufacturer and developer of the modern and high-performance outdoor perimeter security systems.

Our technical solutions provide the perimeter protection of any object: from private property or small offices to big state and commercial objects.

There are no territory and language limits for us. Now our products are delivered to EU and CIS countries, the Middle East, Australia, North Africa and South Asia.
FORTEZA is our trade mark.

FORTEZA is the technical security solutions to detect an intruder trying to damage your business, private or state property. These are high-performance microwave, wire-wave and vibration intrusion sensors for the perimeter protection, as well as the auxiliary equipment.

FORTEZA is the high quality of products and services, kind attention to the customers.

OUR PRINCIPLE: maximum efficiency for the best price.

The specialists of our company have a long experience in development of the technical security systems. Our systems are the synthesis of this unique experience and innovative technical solutions.

Our sensors have been installed and now protect perimeters of nuclear heating plants, solarvoltaic parks, warehouses, airports, military objects, objects of “GASPROM”, oil companies “ROSNEFT” and “LUKOIL”, objects of mining operations, manufacturing entities, private houses, office buildings and foreign state embassies.

Setting prices for our products, we appreciate our work but we appreciate our customers as well and respect their requirements and wishes. That's why you will not find overprices, but you will definitely find understanding and flexible discount systems. Our specialists will help you in choosing the best technical solution of high quality.

Please trust us and don't doubt – we'll justify your trust!!!


E-mail: info@forteza-eu.com
Skype: natali_forteza
Tel: +7 (967) 4450161
+7 (967) 4450162